The Hideout Lodge
32525 112th St
Eureka, SD 57437
After 10 years we decided it was time to spruce up the old girl with a much needed facelift. So in late May Rob and I toted everything and I mean everything out of the main lodge and began the process by fixing wall issues, retexturing and painting, painting, painting, removing all the ceiling tiles and replacing them with new, replacing old florescent lighting with recessed LED's, cabinet and countertop redo in the kitchen and bathrooms, window framing and many other unforseen's that always arise in these type of projects. We did not have time to start on the bedrooms so will be doing them this winter. I roll my eyes whenever Rob says, " Oh just a couple weeks and we'll have that done." But it's worth it in the end! There are more pics of the remodel on the photos page you can check out. We just have a few more tweeks to add but we are going to keep them a secret. You'll have to wait till you visit the lodge.
New tiles and recessed lighting in the ceiling made a huge difference!
We hated to see the old projection go but the flat screen on the wall is pretty sweet.
We changed it up and swapped the pool table and dining room table around.
Changing the lighting and paint scheem for the bar was much needed.
The kitchen may have had the largest transformation with a countertop/cabinet makeover.
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Copyright 2016 The Hideout. All rights reserved.
The Hideout Lodge
32525 112th St
Eureka, SD 57437